I was hoping for an app which makes it easy to convert all my existing movies and at the same time being able to have an easy way to create the desired format from new FinalCutProX movies I create.
First of all: the interface is ancient and could need some cleanup. It is bulky to use and seems to have missed the design upgrade the other components got.
The old interface would still be acceptable but what is out of question not acceptable is the fact that it just does not work reliable. I have started to convert the first set of exisiting files and 2 out of 6 files fail to convert already. I can slide in the preview screen through the whole file and the conversion is running for a while before it fails. They even play without any problem i.e. with VLC.
Hope this gets more stable in a soon to come update.
grumpybears about Compressor, v4.0.1